The Matchmaker (1997)
The MatchMaker (1997)
Director: Mark Joffe
Cast: Janeane Garofalo, David O’Hara, Milo O’Shea
Synopsis: A US Senator’s assistant travels to Ireland in search of his relatives in the hope of boosting his popularity with Irish-Americans.
The Matchmaker is a supreme example of what happens when filmmakers attempt to copy a formula that has proven to be successful without first investing any time or energy on a worthwhile script or plot. Absolutely nothing in this movie is fresh or original: The Irish villagers are straight out of central casting, and Janeane Garafolo’s spunkiness is as predictable as the dim-wittedness of the senator she is seeking to re-elect, and the sleazy nastiness of the spin doctor for whom she works (Dennis Leary giving a performance that at least brings a little spice to the movie). Only a few great location shots, and one set-piece where a staged visit by the senator to his supposed relations goes awry, do anything to redeem this unimaginative mess.
Avoid at all costs.
(Reviewed 30th April 2002)