G. I. Blues (1960)    1 Stars

“Swing Out and Sound off with Elvis”

G.I. Blues (1960)
G.I. Blues (1960)


Director: Norman Taurog

Cast: Elvis Presley, Juliet Prowse, Robert Ivers

Synopsis: Stationed in West Germany, soldier Tulsa McLean hopes to open up a nightclub when he gets out of the army. Tulsa may lack the capital for such a venture, but a chance to raise the cash comes his way through a friendly wager.






G.I. Blues, Elvis Presley’s first movie release since his return from military service in Germany probably had his legion of teen fans swooning in their seats; unfortunately, it marked for the rest of us the beginning of a decade in which Presley made essentially the same movie over and over again. Like the 20-odd films that followed throughout the 60s, this fluff is as light and undemanding as candy floss – but with nothing like its substance.

Saddled with a paper-thin plot, Elvis sleepwalks through the role of a Frankfurt-based GI out to win a bet by spending the night alone with frosty nightclub dancer Juliet Prowse (consider that a spoiler: now you don’t need to see the movie to know how it will all end). He’s not helped by a largely routine set of numbers – only `Wooden Heart’ and `Blue Suede Shoes’ are recognisable.

(Reviewed 24th January 2002)

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