Stepping Out (1991)    1 Stars

“Your dreams are just a step away”

Stepping Out (1991)
Stepping Out (1991)


Director: Lewis Gilbert

Cast: Liza Minnelli, Shelley Winters, Robyn Stevan

Synopsis: A professional singer/dancer grooms her diverse amateur-dance class for a charity tap show.


Stepping Out is a pleasant enough, but ultimately forgettable, diversion that fails to make enough use of the indisputable talents of Liza Minnelli. The storyline is pat and predictable (nothing more than a reworking of 30s Hollywood’s “Hey, let’s put on a show!” genre), and the characters are all cliches to one degree or another, but the entire movie is imbued with such goodwill that you can’t help but like it – or, at the very least, not dislike it.

(Reviewed 20th February 2002)

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