Adventures of a Teenage Dragonslayer (2010 )    0 Stars

“Algebra. Bullies. Dragons. 7th grade is TOUGH!”

Adventures of a Teenage Dragonslayer (2010)
Adventures of a Teenage Dragonslayer (2010) 

Director: Andrew Lauer

Cast: Lea Thompson, Hunter Allan, Eric Lutes

Synopsis: Arthur Lyle miraculously discovers the secret to stopping an evil dragon named Lord Darksmoke who threatens to destroy all civilization.






Andrew Lauer must be a really nice guy, the type of person to whom nobody can refuse a favour. Three of the actors in Adventures of a Teenage Dragonslayer appeared with Lauer on the TV series Caroline in the City, which surely must have something to do with them agreeing to appear in this woeful kids’ movie. Hunter Allan is Arthur Lyle, the teenage dragonslayer (although he looks considerably younger than a teenager) who likes nothing more than to play with his mates Natalie (Abigail Victor) and Tim (Ryan Bradley Norris), collectively known (to themselves) as The Knights of the Square Table, in the sewers beneath his hometown. It’s ok, though, because these are the driest sewers you’ve ever seen. Anyway, Arthur runs into a blue troll called Bart (Richard Sellers) who happens to be a character from a fantasy card game and is held in thrall by the dragon Darksmoke. The dragon wants to assume its true form but can’t until it obtains some magic potion or something. I don’t know. I think Bart has it, but by this point in the movie I was so busy trying to cling to the will to live that I kind of lost track of what was going on. Dull, tedious, poorly acted.

(Reviewed 18th November 2014)

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